Romances Sans Paroles
Gabriel Fauré
Performing and recording arrangements has become an important part of our musical work. Through arranging existing pieces ourselves, we are expanding the still rare and young repertoire available for percussion trio. We care a lot about keeping the composers’ intentions and the spirit of the pieces alive, but still show the music in a new context and give it new life.
The idea of “Romances Sans Paroles” (SongsWithout Words) emerged in the 19th century and describes a musical genre madeparticularly famous by composers like Felix Mendelssohn. These are lyricalpiano pieces that, in their expressiveness and beauty, resemble sung romancesbut do without lyrics. Instead of using words, the music itself tells stories,evokes emotions, and paints images in the minds of its listeners. Gabriel Fauréembraced this tradition with his own Romances sans paroles, enriching it withhis distinctive style: subtile harmonies, clear lines, and a restrained yetdeeply emotional expressiveness. These pieces reflect his ability to create anintimate, poetic atmosphere with simple means. Fauré demonstrates how music,without the need for words, speaks a universal language that touches hearts andsparks the imagination. The “Romances Sans Paroles” embody the Romantic notionthat music alone can express the inexpressible—feelings, dreams, or longingsthat lie beyond the reach of language. In their simplicity and depth, theyinvite reflection and emotional immersion.